Non-Governmental Organizations
epub |eng | 2016-08-15 | Author:Dziedzic, Michael; [Dziedzic, Michael]

Similar to the mandate to “encourage” the DRC to cease its complicity in looting of its resources, no enforcement mechanism is provided for failure to comply with these commitments. As ...
( Category: Non-Governmental Organizations August 17,2023 )
epub |eng | 2014-10-14 | Author:Bessenecker, Scott A.; [Bessenecker, Scott A.]

The invitation to replenish, subdue and govern appears to remain in some form throughout Scripture. Those living in poverty, foreigners, widows and orphans figure prominently in God’s instructions to defend, ...
( Category: Non-Governmental Organizations August 9,2023 )
epub |eng | 2013-08-15 | Author:Franks, Suzanne;

Other organizations involved in aid were rather more self-reflective about their role than the UN. Cathy Corcoran was the deputy director of Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD) and closely ...
( Category: Non-Governmental Organizations August 8,2023 )
epub |eng | 2010-08-15 | Author:Ethridge, Marcus E.;

Conclusion During the summer of 1968, an influential group of teachers and students of public administration attended a conference in Minnowbrook, New York, to discuss a movement they would call ...
( Category: Non-Governmental Organizations August 6,2023 )
epub |eng | 2022-03-30 | Author:Ian Martin

6 REFLECTIONS AND REASSESSMENT Today, there are many who suggest that it would have been better if there had been no military intervention in Libya. I find that ahistorical: in ...
( Category: Non-Governmental Organizations June 13,2023 )